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Hoch-Hrothgar ist ein Fort nahe der höchsten Spitze des höchsten Berges von Himmelsrand, Der Hals der Welt. Um Hoch-Hrothgar zu erreichen, muss man vom Dorf Ivarstatt aus, in dem die Strasse iheren Anfang hat, 7000 Stufen den Berg hinauf bewältigen, um Hoch-Hrothgar zu erreichen. Dieser weithin bekannte Berg ist bekannt als Schnee-Schlund (Snow-Throat). Hier leben die Graubärte‎, wie es auch scheinbar der Ort ist, andem Shor die Menschen erschuf.

Wenn Reisende eine Wallfahrt zu Hoch-Hrothgar absolvieren, hinterlassen sie Geschenke an Nahrungsmitteln für die legendären und verehrten Graubärte‎. Sie beginnen ihre Quest in Ivarstatt und pilgern die 7000 Stufen hinauf, um an jedem der zehn Schreine für eine Meditation zu stoppen. Es gibt aber Gefahren entlang des Weges: eine Vielzahl von Wölfen, gewähnlich in Rudeln, genauso wie gelegentlich einem Eistroll oder Eisgeist.


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Along the road up are ten shrines, each containing an etched tablet with an "emblem". Reading all ten grants the Dragonborn the blessing "Stimme des Himmels".

Emblem I

Before the birth of men, the Dragons ruled all Mundus
Their word was the Voice, and they spoke only for True Needs
For the Voice could blot out the sky and flood the land

Emblem II

Men were born and spread over the face of Mundus
The Dragons presided over the crawling masses
Men were weak then, and had no Voice

Emblem III

The fledgling spirits of Men were strong in Old Times
Unafraid to war with Dragons and their Voices
But the Dragons only shouted them down and broke their hearts

Emblem IV

Kyne called on Paarthurnax, who pitied Man
Together they taught Men to use the Voice
Then Dragon War raged, Dragon against Tongue

Emblem V

Man prevailed, shouting Alduin out of the world
Proving for all that their Voice too was strong
Although their sacrifices were many-fold

Emblem VI

With roaring Tongues, the Sky-Children conquer
Founding the First Empire with Sword and Voice
Whilst the Dragons withdrew from this World

Emblem VII

The Tongues at Red Mountain went away humbled
Jurgen Windcaller began His Seven Year Meditation
To understand how Strong Voices could fail

Emblem VIII

Jurgen Windcaller chose silence and returned
The 17 disputants could not shout Him down
Jurgen the Calm built His home on the Throat of the World

Emblem IX

For years all silent, the Greybeards spoke one name
Tiber Septim, stripling then, was summoned to Hrothgar
They blessed and named him Dohvakiin

Emblem X

The Voice is worship
Follow the Inner path
Speak only in True Need
