Skyrim Wiki
Atronach Forge Recipe
Note fancy
Base Value
0010f76a – 0010f76f
0010f769 – 0010f779
0010f77a – 0010f77f
0010f780 – 0010f786

There are thirty-one (31) different Atronach Forge Recipes, as well as three recipes in the Atronach Forge Manual.


StormAtronachTome SoulTrapTome StormAtronachScroll
Tome - Storm Atronach Tome - Soul Trap Scroll - Storm Atronach


Recipe name Item created Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Ingredient 4 Sigil Stone Id
Flame Atronach Staff Staff of the Flame Atronach Fire Salts Greater Soul Gem Broom Corundum (ore or ingot) 0010f766
Frost Atronach Staff Staff of the Frost Atronach Frost Salts Greater Soul Gem Broom Moonstone (ore or ingot) 0010f769
Storm Atronach Staff Staff of the Storm Atronach Void Salts Greater Soul Gem Broom Orichalcum (ore or ingot) 0010f76a
Flame Atronach Tome Spell Tome: Conjure Flame Atronach Fire Salts Ruined Book Dragon's Tongue Flower Bear Pelt 0010f76b
Frost Atronach Tome Spell Tome: Conjure Frost Atronach Frost Salts Ruined Book Frost Mirriam Ice Wolf Pelt 0010f76c
Storm Atronach Tome Spell Tome: Conjure Storm Atronach Void Salts Ruined Book Deathbell Mammoth Tusk 0010f76d
Scroll - Flame Atronach Scroll of Conjure Flame Atronach Fire Salts Charcoal Paper Roll 0010f76e
Scroll - Frost Atronach Scroll of Conjure Frost Atronach Frost Salts Charcoal Paper Roll 0010f76f
Scroll - Storm Atronach Scroll of Conjure Storm Atronach Void Salts Charcoal Paper Roll 0010f770
Conjurer's Elixir Conjurer's Elixir Empty Wine Bottle Ectoplasm Soul Gem 0010f771
Fire Salts Fire Salts Salt Ruby Soul Gem 0010f772
Frost Salts Frost Salts Salt Sapphire Soul Gem 0010f773
Void Salts Void Salts Salt Amethyst Soul Gem 0010f774
Tome - Soul Trap Spell Tome: Soul Trap Salt Ruined Book Soul Gem Torchbug Thorax 0010f775
Daedric Helm Daedric Helmet Ebony Helm Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f776
Daedric Cuirass Daedric Armor Ebony Cuirass Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f777
Daedric Gauntlets Daedric Gauntlets Ebony Gauntlets Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f778
Daedric Boots Daedric Boots Ebony Boots Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f779
Daedric Shield Daedric Shield Ebony Shield Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f77a
Daedric Battleaxe Daedric Battleaxe Ebony Battleaxe Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f77b
Daedric Waraxe Daedric War Axe Ebony Waraxe Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f77c
Daedric Warhammer Daedric Warhammer Ebony Warhammer Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f77d
Daedric Sword Daedric Sword Ebony Sword Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f77e
Daedric Greatsword Daedric Greatsword Ebony Greatsword Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f77f
Daedric Dagger Daedric Dagger Ebony Dagger Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f780
Daedric Mace Daedric Mace Ebony Mace Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f781
Daedric Bow Daedric Bow Ebony Bow Daedra Heart Black Soul Gem Centurion Dynamo Required 0010f782
Random Enchanted Armor Daedric armor Ebony Ingot Daedra Heart Void Salts Grand Soul Gem Filled Required 0010f783
Random Enchanted Weapon Daedric weapon Ebony Ingot Daedra Heart Silver Sword Grand Soul Gem Filled Required 0010f784
Create Dremora Unbound Dremora Human Skull Daedra Heart Beastflesh [1] Beastflesh [1] Required 0010f785
Daedra Heart Daedra Heart Human Heart Black Soul Gem Required 0010f786


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Beastflesh" includes any of the following meat items: Dog Meat, Horker Meat, Horse Meat, Leg of Goat or Mammoth Snout