the Blue Palace
The Blue Palace is the keep of the Jarl of Solitude.
- Elisif the Fair, Jarl
- Sybille Stentor, court mage
- Falk Firebeard, steward
- Bolgeir Bearclaw, Jarl's housecarl
- Thane Bryling
- Thane Erikur
- Melaran, mage keeping Erikur breathing
- Erdi, servant
- Una, servant
- Odar, chef
Pelagius Wing[]
This disused wing of the palace can be accessed as part of The Mind of Madness. The very unordered rooms have many goblets, plates, bowls, tankards, and jugs lying around. Until the Dragonborn suddenly leaves the plane of reality.
- The Mind of Madness, explore the Pelagius Wing.
- The Man Who Cried Wolf
Items of Note[]
- Books ×2, one potion and bed ×9.
Upper floor:
- Books ×65, potions ×15, poisons ×3, bed ×4, arcane enchanter, Soul Gem Fragments ×4 and Dwarven Greatsword.
- On the second floor, in the Jarl's quarters: Unusual Gem.
Pelagius Wing:
- Bed roll, many Burned Books, copies of Thief of Virtue and Surfeit of Thieves.