Fort Amol
Fort Amol is a fort located north-west of Darkwater Crossing which has been taken over by renegade mages. The many Stormcloak corpses certainly paint a gruesome picture.
This area boasts an alchemy lab and a Shrine of Julianos.
Fort Amol Prison[]
A copy of the Spell Tome: Bound Bow can be found in this area.
Items of Note[]
- Steel Shield, Chest ~140
value (L41).
Inside fort:
- The Amulet of Kings and a copy of Catalogue of Armor Enchantments.
- Cooking pot, arcane enchanter, books ×6, bed ×6, Blue Mage Robes and Glass Dagger.
- Chests ~220, ~1480
value (L41).
- Scroll of Blizzard, books ×15, Spell Tome: Bound Bow (in a bucket), Greater Soul Gem ×2 and bed ×7.