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Skyrim Wiki

Fort Sungard

Fort Sungard

Fort Sungard is a fort located west of Whiterun. South-east of Markarth. It is also home to a troll. If you are having trouble finding it there is a map that will show its location in the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm.


Fort Sungard Annex[]

At the exit to this area, there is a grindstone, a forge and a workbench.

Fort Sungard Muster[]

There is a copy of the Last Scabbard of Akrash and a cooking pot inside and a secret exit from the Muster via the sewer.

Fort Sungard Oubliette[]

Fort Sungard Shrine[]

This is a Shrine to Kynareth. There is also an alchemy lab located in this area and a locked strongbox with goodies.

Fort Sungard Tower[]

From the tower, you can either exit by going downstairs, or by climbing the ladder to the roof.

