Skyrim Wiki
Soul Cairn Horse Quest
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Quest Giver
Soul of Arvak's rider
Soul Cairn
Summon Arvak
Quest Objectives


Along the north-east path from the portal, just before crossing the breach in the great wall, a soul may tell the Dragonborn about missing his horse Arvak, not being able to find it anywhere in the Soul Cairn.

Find Arvak's skull in the Soul Cairn[]

Arvak's Skull can be found on a pedestal just east of the Boneyard entrance, down the hill.

Retrieve Arvak's skull[]

Pick it up.

Return Arvak's skull[]

Luckily Arvak's rider will have moved and be quite nearby. Give him the skull. The Dragonborn will henceforth be able to summon Arvak (a horse) at any time via Summon Arvak spell.
