Skyrim Wiki

Stone of Barenziah

Find one of these special gems in Skyrim unlocks a new miscellaneous quest, in which one of these stones must be identified by one of several appraisers. Talk to Maul or Rex in Riften to learn more about these stones — gems that are only valuable with a complete set of 24. Uncovering all 24 leads to another quest, ending with a special perk as reward for all your effort.

  1. Whiterun, in Dragonsreach, explore the Jarl's bedroom to find a stone.
  2. Whiterun, Kodlak's room in Jorrvaskr .
  3. Whiterun, Hall of the Dead. Check the wall crypts to find another stone.
  4. Solitude, just outside town, on the Dainty Sload, a boat. Look in the Captain's Quarters, on the table.
  5. Solitude, in Proudspire Manor. You'll find the stone in the master bedroom.
  6. Solitude, in the Blue Palace. Look in the Jarl's quarters, on one of his shelves.
  7. College of Winterhold and search the shelves of the Arch-Mage's Quarters.
  8. Yngvild, a cave north of Winterhold and east of Dawnstar. Search behind the throne to find a chamber containing the stone.
  9. Hob's Fall Cave. Search Frostflow Lighthouse. The stone is inside the Necromancer's sleeping area.
  10. Markarth, the Treasury House, search the master bedroom to find the stone.
  11. Markarth, in the Dwemer Museum. The stone will be inside, on a table behind a locked door.
  12. Dead Crone Rock, southwest of Markarth. The stone can be found on an altar near a Word Wall at the top.
  13. Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, look in Astrid's room for the stone. This stone can only be found while completing the “With Friends Like These” or “Destroy The Dark Brotherhood” quests.
  14. Thalmor Embassy, look in Elenwen's Solar while completing the "Diplomatic Immunity" quest for Delphine in Riverwood.
  15. Rannveigs Fast northeast of Rorikstead and southeast of Morthal. Look for a prison area, and search the table with the Alchemy Lab for the stone.
  16. Fellglow Keep Dungeons can be found east-northeast of Whiterun. Look on the counters of the workroom to find this stone.
  17. Windhelm, House of Clan Shattershield, simply search the first upstairs bedroom to your left to find the stone.
  18. Windhelm, Palace of the Kings, look on the table in Wuunferth the Unliving's Quarters.
  19. Stony Creek Cave can be found north of Ansilvund, southeast of Windhelm. Look in the area where you encounter the Bandit Wizard.
  20. Ansilvund, in Eastmarch, contains a stone near where you encounter Fjori inside the burial chambers.
  21. Riften, Mistveil Keep, the Jarl's Quarters.
  22. Black Briar Lodge, outside Riften, the master bedroom.
  23. Sunderstone Gorge south of Gjukar's Monument and north of Moss Mother Cavern, in Falkreath. You'll find a Word Wall inside, with the added bonus of a nearby stone.
  24. Pinewatch farm, northeast of Falkreath. Inside the farmhouse, look for a secret entrance into an underground cave. Inside the Bandit Sanctuary, look for a locked door. Lockpick the door, inside you'll find the stone on a bookshelf.